It's All About the Food

I'm a photographer.  I wasn't born that way, I had to learn.   I have photographed quite a few people, a lot of scenery, some food and a few animals, including a cow.  Yes, I was paid to photograph the cow.

While my preference is documentary photography, I find that I really do enjoy photographing food.


It doesn't cry and doesn't care if I do

I don't have to chase it around trying to get the shot (unless a random olive rolls away)

It is always on time

It likes ALL of my ideas

It never wants to look like everyone else

It doesn't care if it sweats

Food doesn't die when I touch it (like most green things do)

It doesn't care where I place my logo

What are your most favorite things to photograph?

ps.  my company in Alabama was a Sweet Life Studio -- it is my previous logo on a couple of pics 


  1. YOU!
    -Mr. Quaintness

  2. Wow, how creative with the most difficult subject to photograph. You left off another reason - you can cut off the bottom or side to make it sit up straight. You can't do that with children. Your husband is a doll.

    1. Thank you Donna and yes, he is! I'm mighty glad I found him! ;-) Pfft, I totally forgot about that...that's great -- I will have to remember that...LOVE IT!!! LOL

  3. Landscapes, can't improve on God's creation. He makes it the way He wants it everyday. I just wish I could make it look as good in my camera as I see it with my eyes.

    1. Jesse, I have that same problem! I can never make it look as good as He does!!

  4. I'm the worst photographer ever! Thank God for Picmonkey LOL

    Your husband is a sweetheart :)

    1. I think your photos are quite fine!! :-) You have showcased your home beautifully! And I will agree with you about my hubby! ;-)

  5. Replies
    1. It does make you hungry! LOL Every time I look at these photos, I want to go eat tons of fruit...with whipped cream! :-) Have a wonderful day!

  6. Lovely images. It all looks good enough to eat.

    1. Thank you Dayle! It was quite enjoyable! I love fruit in the summer! Have a great day!


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