If At First....

....you don't succeed, try, try again!  This is a proverb that was traced back to Thomas H. Palmer.  He wrote it in his 'Teacher's Manual'.   I bet you didn't know you would get history lessons while reading a lifestyle blog, but there it is!  This proverb is what is known as a cliché.  Can you say that with me..

                                                        cliché  \klē-ˈshā, ˈklē-ˌ, kli-ˈ\

There's your language lesson.  Two for one, who can beat that??!!

After the Stool Pigeon episode, I was very discouraged about doing any more craft-type projects.  But I already had a mess laid out on the kitchen counter for the next one and knew I needed to use the materials and get it finished (I hate wasting money).  So broken-egoed (yes, I know it's not a word), I started work on the next project -- a pillow.

Even though the Stool Pigeon was taunting me from the corner of the fireplace, I ignored it and went about my work!  I downloaded and printed my image from the Graphics Fairy.

This was my first time using a freezer paper transfer.  I was nervous about it but figured it couldn't be any worse than the stenciling debacle.  I used a spoon to transfer the image (take that you 5-year olds).

I was pleased...no smears or runs!  Since I currently do not have a sewing machine, I used fusible webbing to secure the seams.

I used batting to stuff the pillow and closed the open edge with more webbing.  Tada!  A real-life usable pillow!  I love the faded, vintage look of the transfer.

I'm so excited!  While it's not a great first effort, it is a good first effort.  I think I will sacrifice a cup of coffee to stain some fabric for another pillow!

Happy Tuesday!

Sharing on the link party at Shabby Art Boutique and Karen's Up on the Hill!


  1. A transfer project - be still my heart! Also I love a good no-sew pillow project.

    1. LOL…you are too funny! Then I gave you a two-for-one deal with the project, not just the lessons! :-)

  2. Well done! Thanks for the lessons too ;)

    1. Thank you so much! And you are quite welcome… ;-)

  3. I nearly choked on my coffee / perhaps peed a little - your post is hysterical! Thank you for the wonderful humor!!! I must add - your no sew pillow is exquisite!!!!

    1. Suzanne, that is too funny! And thank you so much! I try to make my self-deprecating humor funny to others...to laugh at me and with me! :-) Have a wonderful day!

  4. It came out great! I am so afraid of transfers but really want to try one, or two!

    1. Thank you so much! Transfers intimidate me! I’ve tried several ranging from poor results to okay results. I want to give it another try, but am unsure right now! If I decided to try it again, it will definitely be posted here! LOL Have a great day! :-)

  5. Benita, it's beautiful! What a sweet, charming Pillow!
    Thank so so much for always sharing at Something to Talk About gal!

    1. Karen, thank you so much! I always love the link parties at your place! :-) Have a great day!


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