Master Bedroom Makeover - Where I Am...

Week 5.

Well, we are officially in the homestretch of the One Room Challenge.  The question everyone is asking at this point is, "where do you stand?"  I stand in a mess...LOL

We were not able to dig in to full blast work until Week 4.  We had company the first 2 weeks of the ORC and the 3rd week of the ORC we were in Florida for a conference.  That meant that it was all hands on deck and busting a move to get this finished on time.  And busting it we have.  The hubster's lungs are full of sawdust and I have bloody stumps for fingers...BUT...

The walls are complete!  YAY!  This took the most time because of crooked baseboards, warped walls and notching out for light switches and wall plates.  There were some warped boards thrown into the mix and those were unusable, so it was back to the store for more supplies.  Forty-five tubes of caulk and 72 gallons of paint later, we are looking good. ;-)

The mirrors I purchased were a no go...made me sick!
They were just too big and too busy and didn't look good with the wall treatment.  I will not be adding mirrors unless I can find something that works behind our night tables.

The light fixtures I wanted were too large for our bedroom...plan A was definitely out...
...and plan B was out.
We have 9-foot ceilings and the hubster's a tall dude, so I had to find something that didn't hang down as far.  You will have to wait until the reveal to see it. :-)

The rug still looks amazing, the curtains are back in place, as is our bed.  Let me tell you, it is some weird sleeping when your bed is sitting in the middle of your floor!  Once we moved the bed back into place and I was able to remake it, I found that I really do like my bedding and will be using it until I find something that really WOWS me.  We did decide to raise the mattress/box springs a couple of inches.

Now, to get the artwork into frames and onto the easy feat since they have to be evenly spaced for a gallery-type deal.  My OCD will be working in overdrive and the hubster's going to love it!


  1. Replies
    1. We have but still have a bit to go. I'm ready to be finished with this room. I don't know how people do the One Room Challenge twice a year. I would be ready for the psych ward...lots of pressure to complete everything during a certain time period. Hugs!!

  2. No pics? I’m dying to see! 🥰. Share when you can.

    1. No pics this time, on purpose. :-) I want it all to be revealed at once. Have a great evening! Hugs!

  3. I agree with Jet Green above. We all want photos so please give us some eye candy soon!

    1. I will be posting all of them this week. It is time for the reveal...Thursday morning! :-) Thank you so much! Love and hugs!

  4. I can't wait to see some pictures. I love those big light fixtures, too, but sometimes they just don't work. I have a friend (a weird friend-lol) that slept with her bed floating in the middle of their bedroom. I helped her redo the bedroom and we moved the bed to the wall and she was shocked at how much more room she had to work with....LOL.....xo Diana

    1. LOL…that is hilarious!! I don’t know how she slept. I was so thrown off by the bed sitting in the middle of the room that I couldn’t get any rest! I so disappointed about the light fixtures I wanted, but am happy with what we were able to get. It works perfectly in the room and now I can’t imagine having the other ones. And I’m saying this after having it up one whole day…LOL We finally got the thing up yesterday! I don’t know how people do the ORC twice a year…I would be nuts! WAIT, I’m already nuts…I would be more nuts! 😊 Love and hugs!!

  5. Hey sweet glad you have been able to get your bed in order and back in place... and don't worry about photos until you are ready for the final reveal. Another ORC entry did not show photos of anything other than his cat...which is ok too!

    And yet another showed photos but her weeks were all messed up...Bless her heart, she went from working on her backsplash with already painted cabinets...all the while talking about next week she would be painting her cabinets.

    It is easy to say 'photos please ' when you are covered in paint and caulking compound and you are on the downhill stretch! LOL .

    I've never done a 6 week "get er' done' project for all the world to see , so I can only imagine the total chaos of not only working on your project, but also writing posts and photographing each step ....and in between Life happens.

    I think the mirrors behind the night stands is still a good idea when you find the right size. I told you I have two mirrors in my garage that are beginning to look too large for my project too. ;( Perhaps I might use two smaller dinner plate size on each side of the bed? Or do you think that would be too small?

    I know your finished bedroom will look stunning as you have such beautiful tastes and it shows in your decor. I am already swooning over your board and batten, which by the way several of the ORC entries have used! And, as an FYI, most used your method of using the wall as the "board". It makes so much more sense in my opinion.
    Hugs and are almost there.

    1. Honey, you are just too sweet!! I wanted to post my photos during the “reveal” post this week, so I held back. And it has been hard to hold back but it has also been difficult to take photos. The darker paint has made some weird color for photo taking…I was used to all that white which made it light and airy looking. It is still light and airy, just different.

      Oh bless her heart, but I totally get it. That timeline of 6 weeks makes you crazy and you forget what you are supposed to be doing as opposed to what you’ve done! I love doing room makeovers but doing it on someone else’s timeline has really put a lot of pressure on me, especially for some of the details, because those details are the things that take me the most time to figure out. And you are right…life happens in between work, blogging, cooking dinner and everything else and then that timeline becomes a big calendar that beats you in the face every day…LOL We are trying to get frames up tonight and tomorrow, but I don’t know that they will have anything in them other than the strange photos that came printed in the frame. I guess I could always introduce them as my new family…but the photos are all identical…LOL

      I’m still struggling with the mirrors. I really wanted the ones I bought and took back, but they were just too big and too much. I found something a little smaller, but I’m not sure they are going to work. That is one of those details that I will continue to mull over until I find just the right thing. On your mirrors, they may be too small. Look around on Instagram…that’s what I’ve been doing….checking out all the different styles and sizes. I think the mirror over the nightstand should be a pretty decent size, but not too much, if that makes any sense. Some people use smaller mirrors, but make a collage of other items with it. I can’t do that because of the board and batten…it would just be too much on the wall.

      Thank you again for all of your sweet words and encouragement. It has definitely been an undertaking that I thought I was ready for, but clearly I wasn’t. I knew we would be gone for a week and I knew that I could have company for 2 straight weeks…WHY did I put myself through this??!!….LOL Love and hugs sweet friend!!

  6. I don't know how you find the energy, my friend!!! Can't wait to see the finished product!

    1. If you could only see my bloodshot eyes, my chewed off lips and all the caulk and paint in my hair...LOL Love and hugs and thank you so much!

  7. Can't wait to see the changes. I know it is going to be so fabulous. Hope all is going better. I have been thinking about you. Happy Friday.

    1. Thank you so much Kris! We are loving it already, it is truly amazing how big of a difference the Peppercorn paint and board and batten made. And the light fixture...totally changed the look of the room. Thank you...things are still tooling along...hope things are going well there! Love and hugs!

  8. I can't wait to see what you've settled on! I totally understand the chandelier and mirror thing, too. We're redoing our bathroom and I find things online that I love, but boy do they look different in the house. I also think it's a smart idea to wait on the bedding. We're doing the same thing with our vanity. I don't want to settle. Until something wows me, I'm sticking!! Have a great weekend!! xoxo

    1. I’ve found that rushing in and making a decision too quickly is a decision I usually regret and then I’m stuck with whatever it was. I also prefer for someone to give me 3 choices and let me pick from those. Overstock, Wayfair, Joss and Main, etc are fabulous online stores, but I get so overwhelmed trying to decide on what’s going to work in the house. I need to see it in person. I can’t wait to see your bathroom makeover! I know it is a tough project, but will turn out beautifully! Love and hugs!

  9. When you are ready, it will be lovely to see some pictures.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you so much Jan! I'm getting excited about showing it all to you guys! Hope my pics turn out well..we've had lots of rain here! Hugs!

  10. Ohhhhh its getting there!! Cant wait to see the finished project. Raising the bed is a great idea. Thats what we did to ours and it makes a world of difference and looks less shabby.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. I'm looking forward to the finished room myself. It has been more of an undertaking than I thought. We will definitely be taking a break from all things home improvement after this. I may actually go back to glue gun projects...burning myself is much less painful! :-) Hugs!!

  11. I can't wait to see, your wall treatment is outstanding, a labor of love for sure!
    Good luck!

    1. Thank you so much Jenna! And YES, lots of labor…mainly on the hubster as he has to measure (I cannot do this) and use the saw (he won’t let me do this). 😊 Hugs!!

  12. Good luck friend! Looking forward to seeing it.

    1. Thank you so much Carla, I'm ready to show you all to see what you think! Love and hugs!


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