If You Are On a Diet....

...do not watch this video.  It is called the All Day Breakfast Burger.  YUM!!  Well, except for the egg and cheese....

I can pretty much guarantee that if you eat this for breakfast, you will not eat for the rest of the day...possibly the rest of a week!

The hubby drooled over this.  I told him to forget it.  I'm not making it and neither is he.  He can enjoy the visual and daydream about it while he's watching the Velocity Channel!  :-)

Happy Saturday!


  1. That's crazy. We're at the guitar store (help me!) and my hubby actually stopped to watch that. It's...um...a lot of food. So what's the Velocity Channel??

    1. LMAO…I feel for you. I only have to go to the guitar store every so often. He will run in to grab strings and such. I gave him a Martin for Christmas last year, so he’s been pretty satisfied with that. LOL @ stopping to watch the video…it is a lot of food and makes me stick to look at it all! It’s some speed/car/guy channel. I tune it out.

  2. Wow!!!!!! That is a lot of sandwich. I do not think I have ever seen something that looks so yummy but so scary all at the same time lol! Have a great week end Benita.

    1. LOL...it is a lot of sandwich. I figure about 7,000 calories total! You are right...frightening for sure because it is a lot of good food things in one bite! :-) Have a wonderful weekend yourself Kris! :-)

  3. Now that's a serious burger! It does look very tempting! For me, everything is Yum except for the maple syrup on the burger! I'd split half of it with someone! lol
    Thank you for sharing, Benita! Just looking at it, is giving me the energy to get everything done today!
    Have a fantastic weekend!
    hugs, Christine

    1. It is truly serious! See, I like the maple syrup on the burger, but I don’t like the egg or cheese…LOL. We could go halvsies, but I would have to give part of my half to the hubster…he would never let me get away with eating some of it without him…LOL. Hope you were able to get things accomplished today – unlike me, I’ve been a slug…LOL. Have a great one! Hugs!!

  4. I think I gained five pound's watching it, better go eat a salad !!! Looking forward to one of your beautiful pics tmrrw for Silent Sunday :)) Hug's, TT

    1. The salad is a much better choice, but it won't taste nearly as good! ;-) LOL. Unless you put syrup on it. Syrup is one of the 4 major food groups (from Elf)...LOL. Thanks so much Tammy, you are so sweet! Have a great evening! Hugs!!

  5. Oh my goodness, Benita! My sons would flip over this! I don't think I'll be messing up my well-seasoned waffle iron for it but I'm suddenly very hungry for lunch.

    1. LOL…it is a tempting mix of food items isn’t it?! The syrup on the burger and bacon with the waffle for the bun is very tempting. I love chicken and waffles and could literally taste it as I was watching this video. I wonder how much damage one little bite would do? ;-)

  6. Replies
    1. I believe this burger would be every man’s dream! LOL

  7. I am NOT watching that video! Just looking at the picture makes me want to eat something fattening LOL


    1. Rue, you are a very wise woman! And I feel bad assaulting your ears and your taste buds all in one day! LOL Hugs!!

  8. Actually my cardiologist would allow me the bacon, the burger, the cheese, and the egg, but it would be seven meals at least!

    1. LOL….at least 7! With 1,000 calories for each meal!

  9. Thanks a lot! I just gained 5 pounds watching the video!! :-) My husband and son would want me to make this too but no way. They are not even going to see the video!!!

    1. Ann Marie, you are wise to not let them see it! They would be bugging you to make it. The hubster suggested to me it would be a pretty good meal. I nixed that pretty quickly! LOL


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