Life Hacks #10

Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, "What, you too? I thought I was the only one!"  This is a quote from C. S. Lewis.  I have said this so many times.  But, I've also said this quite a few times, "What? I'm the only one?!"...which is what I say when I ask someone if they vacuum their bathroom floor every time they blow dry their hair?  Yes, I know, I'm a weirdo.  I just can't stand knowing there is hair on the bathroom floor.  I obsess about it all day, so I have to get it up.  Not everyone knows this about me so don't spread it around. ;-)

For Taco Tuesday, be sure to line your taco shell with a large lettuce leaf.
That way, when the shell cracks, all of your food doesn't fall out of the shell.  The lettuce leaf holds it in place...unless you are like me and don't eat lettuce on your taco.

After eating all those tacos if you feel as though you are going to throw up, start humming.
It is nearly impossible to gag while humming.  I don't know if this will work if you've had a little too much tequila!

Working out before bed makes your muscles burn more calories while you sleep.
I've heard just the opposite, so I have no idea if this is accurate.

When an elderly person can't hear you, don't speak louder, speak deeper.
It will help them hear you better.

And just so you know, Twinkies have a shelf life of 45 days.  In our home, they have a shelf life of exactly 12 minutes!

Have a great weekend!

*photos courtesy of


  1. Ha true on the speak deeper. Men don’t hear our high pitch, at least not my high voice and if the dog won’t come I drop my tone. Works ever time. So does biscuit at any level. No to vacuum when I blow dry but with this new house I seem to vacuum everyday. Love lettuce idea, excercising makes me sleepy so I don’t exercise. Lol. Love ya. Happy Friday. Dans up. Off to get coffee.

    1. I know I'm probably the only weirdo who vacuums after blow drying...I've accepted it...LOL I've never tried deepening my voice, but will do so in the future. Mother refuses to get hearing aids so I find that I have to yell through the phone...Hope you had a great weekend! Love and hugs!!

  2. It is true about humming won't let you gag. In nursing school we learned fist to mouth breath and second if you sing or hum you will not gag during procedures that are open wounds etc. that can be quite smelly. Happy Friday my friend. Have an excellent weekend.

    1. Kris, this is great to know! I've tried mouth breathing and it never worked for me, but I will try the humming...ewwww, I don't know how you nurses do it. I would be sick constantly! :-) Just the smell of the hospital upsets my stomach! Love and hugs!

  3. Enjoyed this post very much. Thanks for all the tips!

    1. You are very welcome Bonnie and thank you! Have a great one! Hugs!

  4. Benita, that taco trick is perfect!!! Ok I'm going to have to remember that! Have a great weekend, sweet friend!

    1. It does sound like it would be great doesn't it?! I'm going to try it on Tuesday...I think it will work quite nicely to keep the tacos together! Hope you had a great weekend! Love and hugs to you!

  5. Girl.... now I know we are friends! LOL! After reading this I know that I am going to be vacuuming my bathroom every dang day.... A girl friend once said that she thought it was horrible not to shave your legs every day. Since then I obsess over it. Shave EVERY day. That was 20 years ago! I don't eat lettuce on my tacos either, but that is a great life hack. I think the part about speaking deeper to the elderly is true. My Hubs wears hearing aids, he tells me all the time it's not the volume but the pitch. Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. LOL…yes we are!!! I obsess over things people tell me as well….like minds!! I can’t help that I obsess over something, but I just think about it all the time. Like I can’t leave the house without my bed being made. When I worked for a law firm years ago, I left my bed unmade one day because I was running late. I had to take an early lunch and drive all the way back home to make my bed. I couldn’t stop thinking about that unmade bed…LOL The same with hair in the bathroom floor…I think about it all day if I don’t get it up…LOL I like the lettuce hack too, the hubster will appreciate it! 😊 Hope you are having a great weekend! Hugs sweet friend!

  6. I love the lettuce on the taco! Here's a hack for those of us that HATE to vacuum or clean at all (I mean, everything is put away but CLEAN? No....). If you turn the A/C and ceiling fans on high it will blow all the dog hair to the outer corners of the room and you only have to vacuum those....then you can nap....or day drink Tequila till you have to hum....;-)

    1. LOL...I love is perfect!! Too funny! I do that with the dust bunnies under my bed...which don't bother me at all, but that hair on the bathroom floor drives me nuts! We keep the ceiling fan on in the bedroom all the time (which I hate) but at least I don't have to vacuum in there as much! Have a great one! Hugs!

  7. The lettuce hack is awesome and does it count if you use the hairdryer to vacuum your bathroom floor...or blow the dust away, I guess is more accurate. And humming, huh? I'll keep it in mind!

    1. LOL...YES, that works. It is too funny! I think the lettuce hack will be awesome...Edward is going to try it on Tuesday! :-) Yeah, I need to keep the humming in mind as well. I have a sensitive gag reflex...especially with smells...LOL Love and hugs!

  8. hmmm...I am wondering how you know the lettuce tip if you don't eat lettuce on your taco 😂 I know a guy that always puts his corn shell taco in a flour tortilla for breakage insurance!

    1. LOL…I find my life hacks online…and if the internet says it, it must be true, right?! LOL Edward said something similar…that if you put a flour tortilla open on your plate, that when the taco shell breaks, you just put it all in the flour tortilla and wrap it up. He calls it recycling…LOL Hugs!

  9. The lettuce and tacos in your picture look fabulous.

    All the best Jan

    1. It does look wonderful! I find most of these photos online...they can do a better job than I can! :-) Hugs!

  10. ;-) well girl, I can tell we are buddies. I vacuum after blow drying my hair! Every single day! I have a small dust buster I use. We have hardwood flooring in our bathroom. I take my dust buster and suck up my hair on the floor and rug.
    xx oo

    1. I am sooooo glad to know I am not the only one! I love the one Edward got me for Christmas…I use it in the bathroom and on our stairs. That way I do not have to keep lugging the big vacuum around! Love and hugs!!

  11. Love reading your life hacks.
    Did someone say tequila?

    1. LOL...thank you and YES!!! Tequila and tacos on better way to celebrate the 2nd day of the week! Hugs!

  12. We love lettuce on our tacos...but we always shred it first. Not sure about a whole leaf, but sounds like a great idea!!! Humming to keep from throwing!!! Never heard that one but hope I remember it the next time I get nauseous! I HATE to throw up!!!!! I don't think the deep voice thing works in some husband has a deep voice but he tends to mumble...then wonders why I don't hear him!!!!! The tequila comment reminds me I haven't had a good old margarita in awhile:)

    1. I’ve always shredded it for the hubster also but he is going to give this a try. I will definitely be trying the humming trick…Kris, who is a nurse, says it works! LOL…men always seem to mumble to say we don’t hear them. I think it is an excuse for them to use when they don’t listen to use…LOL Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner…as good excuse as any for a margarita! 😊 Hugs!

  13. Oh Benita, what fun facts! I will try the talking deeper with my parents, sometimes getting them to understand my words is such a stress!

    1. I am going to try it with my mother hoping it will help with my conversations with her as well! Hugs!


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