Riding The Roller Coaster....

....of life.

Back in college, I had to write a "descriptive" term paper for my literature class.  The professor requested that we write about a life experience using descriptive terms, similes, blah, blah, blah.  I wrote about roller coasters and the terror I felt while riding one.  I have a few problems (fear of heights, motion sickness, claustrophobia), so I don't know what possessed me to ever get on a roller coaster....specifically the Scream Machine at Six Flags!  I presume it was youth and stupidity!  That terror-filled ride made an awesome term paper and I received an A on the paper and an A in the class.  After all these years, I remember that paper well and the professor's comment, "you must really hate roller coasters!"

Well, this week has been a roller coaster ride.  You know it's going to be a bad week when Monday morning starts with the age old question, "Why did I get out of bed today?"

The ride began with a call from my mother telling me that my aunt (her sister) had been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer, advanced COPD and emphysema...the quick ride down the steep hill began...what I refer to as a "free-fall".  Phone calls were back and forth all day long with my cousins and other family members to discuss my aunt's condition and possible treatment options.

Tuesday we were chugging back up the next hill...more phone calls and tests.  My youngest son also had a doctor appointment here in TN, which meant a drive to Alabama to pick him up for the appointment.

Wednesday was my birthday, so I considered this as riding on the nice flat, happy plateau.  It was a wonderful day and I received two fabulous surprise gifts from special friends I've made in this blogging world.

Kim at Exquisitely Unremarkable sent me these absolutely adorable napkins (feeding my already out-of-control napkin addiction)...

...that I cannot stop touching, because I can't decide which ones to put out on the counter and...

Rue at An Old-Fashioned World sent me this fabulous candle that makes me drool....

....yes, it smells that good and is so reminiscent of all the best scents of fall!  I know I am a sight for the neighbors...they get to see me walking around with a candle up my nose and napkins ruffled between my fingers!

These ladies have inspiring and beautiful blogs and are just the best chicks!  If you haven't seen their blogs, please check them out!!  They both make me laugh and cry!

To add to the tears (happy tears), my DIL recorded this for me, I so hope you can see it:  https://www.facebook.com/chase.pinson.3/videos/1219813978045023/.  The return trip to Alabama, followed by hilarious conversation with our new neighbors, rounded out the day.

Thursday was more questions for doctors and needing to find new housing for my youngest son....down the hill we go and around the sharp curve....swoosh!

Still no home internet, a garage sale this weekend and back to work at the new house.  A lady who makes custom blinds stopped by this morning...."so I see you have no blinds...that's what I do".  I was in my bath wrap and holding the candle and napkins...I'm sure I was a sight for her! 

So here we are chugging back up the hill!  But hey, it's "One-Hit Wonder Day" on Jack FM...it's the little things...


  1. "...fear of heights, motion sickness, claustrophobia." Where do milk and snakes fit in there, Adrian?

    1. I was trying to stick with the subject matter...smarty pants. ;-p

    2. Adrian ... This was the one I was referring to...

  2. Well naturally, if I have your birthday written down, I don't know where I've put it. But HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my dear friend! You deserve the best, and you've had an awful lot happen. So sorry about your aunt. The video was very sweet. Here's hoping that you can get off the roller coaster and just glide without any effort on your part very soon.

    1. Thank you so much Brenda!! I appreciate it so much and am so glad we are friends! You have been an absolute sweetheart!! Gliding is an awesome thing and that's what I'm working towards! :-) The video was just perfect...she's so sweet. When I talked to her that night, her first question was asking if I had seen the video she made me! Love you!!

  3. I just put your birthday in my old-fashioned address book beside your phone number...

    1. I've got yours tucked away for safe-keeping also! :-)

  4. Happy Birthday, Benita! Your grand-daughter is a adorable! Keeping you, your aunt and your family in my prayers! I just LOVE the napkins and candles! I'm sure they really cheered you up! =) *HUGS*

    1. Thank you so much Christine...for the birthday wishes and the prayers. The prayers are coveted and appreciated...it's a tough situation. Aren't they both so wonderful?? And yes, they did...most definitely!! Hugs!!!

  5. Well, Happy Birthday Sweet Benita!! I hope you and your husband get to do something extra special this weekend. Something besides unpack boxes. Blog friends are so sweet!!

    1. Thank you so much Stacey! They are most definitely! We are celebrating by having a yard sale...LOL. I will definitely be taking a break on Sunday...I've got a book I want to read. I meant to tell you about it. The author is Liane Moriarty and the name of the book is "What Alice Forgot". I've read one of her other books and it was really good! Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. First of all, Happy Birthday! Just think, I came thisclose to buying you a birthday lunch last week! Next year for sure...hubby is infatuated with Tennessee.

    I feel so bad about your aunt, hang in there. It's a grim diagnosis but I know people who've managed COPD for years and my father in law has had lung cancer for the past 4 years and is fine...takes a chemo pill everyday. One never knows.

    When I have some time I have to go back through your blog. So you moved from Dallas to Nashville recently. And you are somewhere temporarily while you work on a new house? Just curious. It's going to be great to get to know you! :)

    Jane x

    1. Thank you so much and yes, we could have celebrated! I hate we didn't get to have lunch this time around, but most definitely next time! I hope y'all had a great time on your trip. There are some awesome shops in the Franklin area, specifically in Arrington and Nolensville and we will have to go! :-)

      Thank you so much! I'm hoping they are able to treat aggressively and get her in better shape! That is awesome that your FIL is doing so well!!

      Our life is confusing...LOL. We are originally from Birmingham, AL and moved to Dallas 4 years ago. The hubster grew up there. We moved to the Nashville area last fall to open a new office for his business. We were renting until we found a house to buy and we just closed on September 2nd and moved. We are still getting settled in the new place. Lots of projects in the wings for us! :-)

      I look forward to getting to know you better also! Hugs!!

  7. Happy Birthday mon amiee. Sorry about all the bad health news with your aunt. Heartbreaking for all of you.
    Both Rue and Kim are awesome peeps. Love them both and I am so happy they sent you some special fun treats for your birthday. Your niece is so sweet with singing to you for your birthday. Hope the week end is better.

    1. Thank you so much Kris!! You are so very sweet!! It has been awfully sad, but she has a great attitude and is just ready to get on with the treatment. I think attitude makes all the difference in the world! They are indeed such sweet girls….everyone I have met has been absolutely charming, wonderful, loving, caring and adorable….and you know that includes you!! :-) I am so thrilled that you think Gianna is my niece…she is actually my granddaughter. I refuse to be called anything with a “grandmother-type” name, so she calls me Bebe. :-) You made my day with that Kris!! Hope you and Terry are planning a great weekend!! Love and hugs to you!!

  8. Oh Benita, it was your birthday! And I have it written down somewhere, but then I forgot to send an anniversary card to our son and his wife and it's today. I used to be so good at these things.

    Please keep celebrating it for ages, sweet Benita, and maybe I'll catch up somehow. Many wishes and prayers for the challenges your family is facing right now.

    And isn't your granddaughter just the most precious little darling! I hope you get a hug from her in person soon.


    1. I have to write everything down and tote it under my arm or I forget where I'm going. I depend on a old-fashioned organizer to keep me on my toes. When I leave it behind, I'm in big trouble...LOL

      Thank you so much Dewena....we are hoping for good results with the treatments, whenever they decide what those might be. I'm going to have to agree with you...Gigi is such a sweetie pie...and she is rotten to the core! LOL After I talked to her the other night, Chase (her dad) and I were talking about babies. She wanted to know if I had a baby and if I did, would she be the grandsister...LOL. I just couldn't stop laughing! The things kids think...LOL I'm hoping to see her over the holidays! :-)

      Much love and hugs to you Dewena!!

  9. Happy Birthday sweet Benita! So sorry you are having a rough week! So sorry to hear about your Aunt too. Your granddaughter looks like a sweetie...still don't have sound but it looks like she was singing Happy Birthday to you! We are at the end of this week, so here's to brighter days next week!

    1. Thank you so much AnnMarie! It has been an up and down week, but I am optimistic that the weekend will be an improvement! :-) Yes, she was singing Happy Birthday and was quite proud of herself when I talked to her on the phone….LOL Thank you again so much! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!! HUGS!!!

  10. Happy Belated Birthday Benita Dear!!
    We have many Birthdays beginning in August-one of them being mine:) then on through this month with a daughter in law, daughter, grandchildren and of course our brand new grandbaby:)
    I am sorry you have had such an up and down week and I am also sorry about your Aunt. I just don't understand why we get hit from all sides at one time. But, as you know this happened to me too very recently. Sending you prayers, love, hug and wishes for a better weekend.
    I am so looking forward to seeing you next Month-let me know the dates when you find them out!
    Hugs and love,

    1. Thank you so much Jemma! September is the busy month for us, so I know what you mean!! :-) hope you are having a great visit with the new baby! I know she is adorable!

      Yes, I do know and I am keeping you all in my prayers as well. I think life enjoys kicking us when we are down, but I’m stubborn! :-) Thank you so very much and I cannot wait to see you next month also! I’m so looking forward to it!!! Hope you had a fabulous weekend! Much love and hugs!!

  11. oh how adorable ... gigi singing to bee bee! bebe?
    i somehow don't think of you being old enough to have grand children!!!! it's TRUE!
    i've got you lingering somewhere in your 30's!
    happy belated birthday!
    i know that roller coaster well.
    only thing for it...
    just buckle up and endure. it truly will end. as all things do.
    each ride makes you stronger.
    love to you dearest little bean. XOXO♥

    1. Awww, thank you so much! I appreciate it greatly!! I still think of myself in my 20s...and that's how I act...LOL. I am definitely NOT old enough to have grandchildren...that's why she can't call me by a "grandmother" type name...it is forbidden...LOL. When I visit, we run around, play barbies and jump on the trampoline and do other silly stuff. Of course now, she's gotten into make up and wants her mani/pedis....I didn't know what that was at 13, much less at 6! :-)

      Yes ma'am, it will definitely settle down and I've always maintained "that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger". And people wonder why I'm a hard-headed, strong-willed, Italian spitfire...LOL Love you too Miss T! Hope you are having a wonderful day! :-)

  12. Benita, Happy Belated Birthday, pretty woman! What a special greeting your DIL produced for you! Who is that child and why is she calling you Mimi?? Surely you're too young to be anybody's Mimi(?!).
    My wish for you is to be able to let go and let God in the challenging days ahead. I hope your aunt gets the best treatment option available, and that her quality if life is preserved until her final rest.

    1. Thank you so very much, Rita! You are so sweet!! And yes, it was adorable, I just love that baby so much, but she will tell you right quick, she’s not a baby. That is definitely my granddaughter…she is 6 and lives in Florida! She’s a mess!  And yes, I am way to young…LOL.

      Thank you so much! We have definitely been doing that. We have a strong prayer chain and our prayers requests are literally sent all over the world through our many friends. Email is such an awesome way to communicate sometimes. We have prayed for healing but do know that it is in God’s hands. You are so sweet Rita…thank you so much! Hugs!!!

  13. Hello my gorgeous friend. I am so sorry about your aunt and I am sending prayers and hugs. I hope that you were able to enjoy your birthday just a bit amid all of that news. I am sure that your granddaughter's sweet song, smile and big kiss made your day a lot brighter! She is as gorgeous as her grandma! I am glad you liked the napkins and like I said, next time, I'll try to find a way to send that bottle! ;) xxoo

    1. Awww, you are just so sweet and make me blush!! Thank you so much! It was a decent day...worked, unpacked a few boxes and had drinks with our new next door neighbors. :-) Gigi's little song made me cry...and she is just so pretty, I cannot argue with that. But she knows it and never misses an opportunity to let someone know she's the princess and life is ALL about her! :-) I do love the napkins...they are just so wonderful....it's a sick fettish, I know...LOL. I will definitely be looking for the bottle! Much love and hugs to you!!!

  14. Bless your heart, hope your next week is much better! ...and all during your Birthday Week, what a shame! So sorry about your aunt! So sweet of your two blogging friends to send a little birthday cheer your way! Happy Belated Birthday! :) ~Rhonda

    1. Thank you so much Rhonda, you are just so sweet! I have made so many wonderful blogging friends…I enjoy each conversation I have and all of the love and encouragement that I’ve received through blogging! This week has started off much better, so I’m glad about that! Hope you had a wonderful weekend and that your week is off to a great start! Hugs!!

  15. Hi Benita! :)
    Hmm, fear of heights and roller coasters...sounds like me...I have a roller coaster horror story - in high school I was dating a guy who I was trying to impress and never told him I was terrified of roller coasters. It was a stand up roller coaster and when I got on I accidentally pulled the side things in too far and they had my head squished in too tight...before I could get someone to loosen them the roller coaster started up...I thought for sure I was going to die...sounds like your paper was great therapy!! ;)

    I love the gifts that you received from your blogging buddies. Ha ha, more napkins...you have got to start hosting parties so you can mow through all those napkins! ;)

    Can't wait to see what blinds you picked!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

    1. Oh my gosh....so that is something else we have in common.....the terror and complete fear of roller coasters!! LOL...I'm trying not to laugh as I envision this thing squeezing your head...I know that hurt and I would have been so sick that I would have thrown up everywhere....great date, huh??!!! Yep, more napkins....LOL..I love them! We are shooting for our first get together this coming weekend...don't know if I can pull it off or not. Still got some things to settle out first.

      Ummm, about those blinds....LOL

      Hope your week is off to a great start and that you had a fabulous weekend!! Hugs!!

  16. Happy belated birthday, Benita! Sounds like you have had a week--those kind of weeks really make me conscious of celebrating the ordinary ones! Blessings to you, Cecilia

    1. Thank you so much Cecilia! That is so sweet! It was a crazy, event-filled week, but this week is starting off much better! :-)

      So, I have to ask…how many times has someone sang the Simon & Garfunkel song “Cecilia” to you??! ;-) Hugs!!

  17. You have been on a rollercoaster ride girlyfriend !!! After you , Rue and Kim are my two favorite blogger's !! At least I emailed you Weds morn first thing ( tail between my leg's) .lol Your grandaughter is waaaaaay too cute and what a sweet DIL .
    So sorry about your aunt....thing's will work out out. I put her on our prayer list at church. I hope everything got settled with your son aka dr appt, living situation , don't stress:)) easier said than done I know.Well , I have clothes to press, Cole's last homecoming dance tonight, sniff sniff. Have a fabulous weekend !! Your in my thought's and prayer's alway's :)) Love and Big Hug's, TT
    P.s. too funny Kim added to your addiction, we now have to call her an enabler. LMHO

    1. Thank you so much chickie...you are so funny!! You always cheer me up and make me laugh! That's what friends do, right??!! :-) She is adorable...so I'm going to agree with you! And it was very sweet of Steph to make the video and put it on FB for me! Since I don't have internet, our skyping is non-existent and I don't get to see her!

      When it rains, it pours....and thank you so much! Everything is better this week, so I'm hoping for all good things!! LOL @ your busy evening....you crack me up! Much love and hugs to you and thank you so much! And yes, Kim is an enabler!!...she and Rue both are !! Hugs!!!

  18. Belated Happy Birthday Wishes - love the napkins and the candle!

    But sorry to hear your sad news and sending special thoughts your way.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you so much Jan!! You are so sweet! Prayers and thoughts are so appreciated….so thank you! Hope you are having a great week! I’m getting around to visiting blogs, so I will be your way shortly! Hugs!! :-)

  19. Happy Birthday, Hon!

    So sorry about the down-slides. But oh that tape is precious. :-)

    Only you, could make a rather horrid week, sound so interesting and down-right fun. That professor had it right, with giving you an A. You are a Writer!!!!!!

    Best wishes for a more smooth week, next week.


    1. Awww, Tessa, thank you so much! You are so sweet and kind. Gigi is adorable and made my day with this little video! She is a total stinker though...LOL. This week is starting so much better and I think will only improve! Hope you had a fabulous weekend and that your week is off to a great start! Love and hugs to you!!

  20. You can hardly blame anyone for thinking that beautiful girl is your niece. After all you look younger than me!

    I'm so sorry about the bad week and the sad news about your aunt. I'll be praying about all of it for you.

    I hope the presents we sent you made your week a tad bit better and I hope you enjoyed your day.

    Much love to you, my dear friend and (((hugs))),


    1. Rue, you are so sweet! And, uh, ahem….no I don’t….you notice NONE of my pics are close up…LOL. All from a distance…and prefer people look at me through beer goggles…LOL

      Thank you for the prayers…they are so coveted…truly! The love, support and prayers from others has seen me through many, many things and I cherish them! Those gifts were wonderful and made me cry and they are treasures!! I keep sniffing that candle and don’t want to light it. My neighbor came over and saw it wanted to take it…I told her I chop her arm off if she even tried….LOL. I’m glad she was drunk and didn’t remember me saying that to her…LOL

      Much love and hugs to you sweet Rue!! I do wish we lived closer!! I’m thinking a little “blogger’s retreat” at a spa or something might be necessary!!

  21. Blog buddies are the best. :-))
    I will be praying for all that is going on in your life that is not so fun.
    Sending a hug,

    1. I am finding out that blog buddies are totally awesome!! All of you ladies are so special and I enjoy all of our conversations and all of the encouragement and support! Hugs to you sweet friend!!!

  22. And, I am Wishing You a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    Have a great weekend, thank you for the fun stories you blog about, you do make me smile.

    1. Thank you so much Carla!! I’m so glad you enjoy them…there is always something “cray-cray” going on around my life…LOL! Hope you had a great weekend and that your week is off to a great start! Hugs!!

  23. oh, wishing you a belated happy birthday. and sorry to hear about all the ups and downs. I know how that can feel. for us, last week was a constant up and down too. let's hope this one will be better xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Petra...you are so sweet! I hope your week is much better as well. We are on an upswing, so I'm holding out hope for a much better week! Hugs!!

  24. Ugh! COPD is a horrible disease. My mother passed away from it four years ago. I do think there have been strides made very recently, so hopefully your aunt's prognosis will be good and it can be managed.

    Count me as another one who thinks you're still in your 30's. Ok, spill. Did you rent that cute little girl and pretend she's your granddaughter so you can soak up all the compliments?? Huuummmmm??

    (I'm not sure what bear goggles are, but I'm gonna go get me some and pass them out to all my friends).

    1. Doreen, you are so right! COPD is horrible. My dad suffers with it now. I'm so sorry about your mom, I know that is tough! I do hope they can find some good alternatives for her. My dad has lasted way longer than we anticipated with this disease.

      Awww, thank you so much! You are so sweet. I wish that were the case, because in my mind, I am way too young to be a grandmother. My son, her dad is 32 and I'm like, but we are the same age, how can this be! :-)

      You can give your friends beer goggles by buying multiple rounds of beer for them! :-) I can say I've never experienced them because I don't drink beer, but boy, the stories I could tell about others! Hope you are having a wonderful week! Hugs!!

  25. Awwww I hope you had a great birthday! Happy Belated birthday Benita!!!


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