I Am On Instagram....

I am, I am...on Instagram.  

No biggie...just thought it would be cute for a title, you know, all Dr. Seuss-y style.  :-)

I'm great at Pinterest...I can pin like a mad woman.  Unfortunately, I'm not so great at Instagram, but I am trying to get better at it.  

The bad thing is I do not know how to put the little icon in my icon bar for readers to be able to follow me.  NOT that I post anything extra special on Instagram, BUT I do love looking at everyone else's photos.

So, until I can figure out how to add the icon, you can find me here on Instagram!  I don't have lots of photos, but I follow people who have lots of great photos! :-)

One more quick question...am I the only one who thinks it is bizarre to "buy" friends and followers? Hmmmm....


  1. You're kidding about the buy thing, right? I'm pretty literal you know. This is why I don't like Facebook "likes."

    1. LOL…I wish I were joking…but there are sites that if you pay a fee, they will provide “followers” on all of your social media…crazy!

  2. Following you! I just joined yesterday! I don't know how to find people on there yet. I am thriftgirl57.

    1. I am following you also. And I'm with you...I don't know how to find people either. I'm HORRIBLE at social media!

  3. Congrats Benita. So brave to go onto Instagram. Everyone keeps telling me to do this but I have so much with the blog. Maybe some day lol!

    1. Thank you so much Kris. I signed up a while back and haven't been very active. Social media is not one of my strong points. I'm hoping this post will prompt me to be better at it! :-)

  4. wonderful pics!!!
    i don't even have my own photography on my blog... let alone an instagram thingy!
    first i supposed i'd need a camera. or a phone that took pictures. LOL.
    the photos of bob and me and my family in older posts were when i had a scanner with my other computer.
    i'm sliding farther and farther behind the times! LOLOL. it's such a comfy place to be apparently. :)

    1. You are so sweet and too funny! I'm behind the times also and it is a comfortable place to be! Social media is definitely NOT one of my strong points, but I am trying to do better. It takes a lot of time to keep up with these sites and I feel bad when I get behind with friends, but I've got it on my "to do" list to do better! :-)

  5. you don't pay for your friends??? this has been around for ages. it's worse on Twitter.Facebook does it officially and calls is promoting your posts. it;s the kind of world we live in these days...

    1. LOL....I try to get them the old-fashioned way...crazy, I know. I have just never heard of such...buying friends and followers....there is definitely no loyalty in that...LOL

  6. I follow you! If you want to put the widget in your sidebar for people to see what you post and a sample of your photos there, try this site. I used to have it up and it was nice. May have to add it again! http://intagme.com

    1. And I follow you! :-) I will give it a try...do you do it through adding a gadget?

  7. BUY Friends and Followers... It simply shows how all/any angst, concerning Friends or Followers, is sooooooo stupid. Yes, stupid! I am stupid for ever having wasted any angst, about this issue. I am. I am. I am.

    Now, that we have that issue settled... -grinnnnnnn-

    Let's not let IG become a black-hole-of-angst either!!!! I refuse to "say thank you" to each and every IG person, who "likes" or comments on my IG. Many do. One usually follows the crowd, when one is a new-kid-on-the-block. But not I. Not this time.

    I refuse to let my IG fun, be over-shadowed by "IG Rules Of Engagement"!!!!

    Wow, where in hell did all that, come from?????? -gigggles- You asked a simply question. And I had to drift off, into a mini rant. Yishhhhhhh....

    Lots and lots of gentle hugs, to a very sweet Blogger and IG-er,
    From Tessa

    1. I agree....I don't understand the concept of purchasing friends/followers. It may take a while to build up a following on all the social media networks, but I think it is more important to build a relationship, rather than a number. So all of my "numbers" are very low. I am not good with Instagram, but am trying to be better about checking it and keeping up with friends. And it's okay to have a rant every once in a while....LOL Love and hugs to you my sweet friend!!

  8. You know I watch you on IG.

    But! Horrible thought. Are some of the "Likes" on IG, bought??????????????????????

    Nahhhh, you can click on them and see they are from people you yourself 'Follow' their IG's.

    Help! Petra! I must ask you privately! Is IG the same? Eeeeeek!

    Does it ever seem to be, that no one and nothing can be trusted to be simple, any more???????


    1. I do believe that you can purchase friends/followers on all of the social networks. I would never do that...you could "buy" someone who is not on the up and up...a hacker or something. Technology doesn't let anything be "simple"....LOL

  9. I'd say you are getting the hang of IG, your Fall photos are stunning! If you are looking for a photo collage of your updated IG for your sidebar, I use 'Snap Widgit'! If you are looking for an icon, for your sidebar, I'll email you the html code. Thank you for sharing your Halloween pillow! I'm glad you liked it! I couldn't stop laughing at it being sideways, because it does look more centered! ;P hugs, Christine

    1. Thank you so much! I’m trying. I did find that I can go to websites on my phone and download some things and then share them on Instagram…that was a biggie for me…LOL I will check out the Snap Widgit also…I just wanted to get it on my sidebar somehow. Please do send me the code, if you don’t mind.

      I love that pillow and felt so bad that I had it turned the wrong way for the photo. I didn’t pay attention and I should have…I don’t like it when things like that get by me. And of course, I couldn’t go back and take photos because the napkins were gone…I used them at the Halloween party…LOL. I do hope you received my thank you email. It was very sweet of you!! Hugs chick!

  10. I would never buy followers...how narcissistic is that? I hope to make friends the old fashioned way! Follow you and instagram, and I love it more that blogging, so easy and instant gratification.

    1. Cathy, I am the same way...I think it is all about ego. What is wrong with making friends by chatting, exploring the things we have in common with each other, sharing parts of our lives and developing relationships? I started following you also...I do agree that it is better than blogging and definitely with you on the instant gratification! You can chat and share photos so much easier! :-)

  11. I am always amazed at the people who comment on my Instagram posts just so I will hire them as my followers - um, NO!! And I do not need to see a photo of your bare butt either, thank you very much paid follower!! Bizarre. I just don't get it.

    1. HA HA HA.....I love it...and you are so right!!! I don't get it either...lol and like you, don't want to see any of that!

  12. Hello Dearest Benita!
    Isn't IG fun! I so enjoy the pretty snippets of life and all those whom I follow brighten my day!
    Happy IGing...is that a new word:)

    1. Hello my sweet friend! I enjoy them also…so much more to see and enjoy! And yes, it is a new word and it works! Hugs!!

  13. Hi Benita,
    Oh Instagram...ugh...well, I have an account does that count? ;)
    I am so old fashioned...well, that's a nice way to say that I am technically challenged! You know, there are 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 & 90 year olds that can skate circles around me! ;)
    I only set up Facebook for the blog back in April...and only have a 'personal' Facebook page because I had to have it in order to set up the blog Facebook page, and honestly I am still trying to figure that all out!
    And buying friends...oh my...do you think that is the solution for my only having '56' Facebook friends?? Ah ha ha... you know, I like being old fashioned because it makes my head hurt less! ;)
    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend friend!
    Big Hugs, Kimberley

    1. Yes, it does count....I need to find you! I finally found you on FB....but can find your personal page...send me a friend request please. :-) And believe me, they run circles around me also. I just can't seem to find the time I need to spend on the social media sites to connect with everyone and I want to be connected. I won't be buying any friends...I like making mine the old-fashioned way. :-) And yes, there are definitely less headaches involved! :-) Big hugs back at ya girl!!

  14. I buy ALL my followers!! All six of them :)


    1. You kill me…LMAO….but hey, where’s my $$$$? I follow you and haven’t received my bribe funds…LOL Hugs chickie!!

  15. Not sure if you are on Blogger, Benita, Wordpress or what (i'm SO savvy), but in my ignorance on Blogger I added the the gadget, linked it to my Instagram account and just downloaded the iconic 'P' symbol.. You can look at my blog. Whatever you have, see if you can just try something like this. If not, Google it. Mr./Ms. Google is my best friend. They always answer my seriously dumb questions.

    I don't call anything I do on social media, from blogging to FB to Instagram, buying friends. I like to refer to it as encouraging an audience. Seriously. I balked at Instagram for a long time but I simply love to lie in bed and scroll through my phone looking at cool stuff and doing silly little posts. Harmless fun. I've gotten some new followers and have met some really great people on IG. Fun, fun, fun. I think I made a great decision based on that alone. :)

    Sending good vibes,

    Jane x

    1. Did you buy Mr/Mrs Google away from me? I thought they were MY best friends! LOL I’m on blogger and will definitely check it out. What you do with your wonderful blog, FB (I need to find you) and the other accounts is encouraging an audience. Apparently, the “buying friends/followers” is exactly that. You pay a company money and they find people to follow your accounts. I have met some wonderful people in all of these areas also and like you, enjoy sitting in bed looking at all of the photos on my phone. I do most of my “pinning” from bed also…it’s comfortable and relaxing and the perfect way to wind down from the day…LOL

      LOVE your hair, btw…but I told you that on Instagram…LOL…but I do love it. The cut and color is gorgeous….see, so now some readers will need to find you on Instagram to see what I’m talking about! ;-) Did you get my email with the link?

      Much good vibe huggies to you!! :-)

  16. I follow you on IG Benita and love your photos! I love IG and how easy it is to use and post. I didn't know you could buy friends???!

    1. Thank you so much! I follow you and love yours also! :-) I had no idea either, but apparently, you can….LOL I think celebrities have been doing it for years and it has finally trickled down to us little people…LOL

  17. Well you have me beat by MILES! I don't do instagram because my phone is an old slider type!! Yessirree I am waaaay behind on social media. I didn't even have facebook until last summer, and like Kimberly, above, I only added the personal page so that I could set up the blog facebook page. (And I don't even have a photo of me on my personal page.) So be proud of yourself! Love your photos on your instagram page..but I can't follow or like them because I don't have an account myself. Here is what I see happening with insta...bloggers start posting more on it, get comments on it, and eventually stop blogging. It WOULD be much easier and less time consuming to only "post" photos on instagram and call it a post. Oh well, old fashioned girl here will probably just keep on blogging and avoid instagram for a while longer. Oh and on the "buying" your followers...that is just crazy!

    1. LOL...you are too funny! I'm so glad to know that I am not alone in my journey towards all of the social media avenues. I have been digging my heels in resisting all of these avenues because it's overwhelming sometimes just trying to keep up. Thank you so much for sweet compliments...I appreciate it greatly. I'm not a great tweeter or instagramer, but I can hold my own with pinning...LOL. And yes, having an instagram account with no blogging would be awesome...instant conversations and feedback AND not having to create a blog post would be so awesome! I don't get the "buying" followers....I work hard for my money and prefer to get my friends the old fashioned way! :-)

  18. Even though I'm not tempted to try instagram yet, I would think that you of all people, Benita, with your beautiful photography talent, should be on it. So many do seem to be preferring it to blogging or instagraming more and blogging less. I wonder what our granddaughters will be doing when they grow up? Something we cannot even fathom yet, probably!


    1. I have been so sluggish about getting into it because you have to take the photos with your phone. And I hate using my phone to take photos…LOL. It is a double-edged sword, that’s for sure. And thank you for the sweet words about my photography. I do need to get some of that work posted, that’s for sure. You know, there is no telling what they will be doing and it makes me fearful to even think about it. Of course, technology could always revert and there will be none of these things around when they grow up…LOL Love and hugs to you!

  19. Ok I need to know about Instagram? is it list pinetrest?

    1. No ma’am…Instagram is an app that is strictly phone based. You take photos with your phone and upload them to Instagram. You have to create a user profile. The part that is like Pinterest is that you find people to follow and people follow you. It is nothing but photos…and the occasional comment! :-)


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